Monday, August 20, 2007

My Body is A Vessel

My Body is not mine.
My Body is just a vessel.
It is a tool.
It is an instrument of some divine purpose unknown to me.
I feel it working...
I'm looking on to my journey in life...
This vessel has been tossed about through the billows of life,
and the aching inside of me is waiting for it's moment to shine through.
It's happening on it's own accord.
I can feel it.
Can you feel it?
Can you feel your circumstantial life coming to an Apex in the middle?
Wrap yourself in it and know this...
Your body is just a vessel waiting for it's next level of growth.
Your vessel is just a tool for others to be used on.
You...are an example...
You...are an instrument...
How are you using your vessel?

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