Friday, August 24, 2007

Hey Guys. What's going on? What are we talking about?

I have recently learned that I am a naturally "Have to know what's going on" type of person.
It started out as a joke...
And then this phrase hit me.
Whenever I would come upon someone talking...
I would always smile and say, "Hey Guys. What's going on? What are we talking about?"
After I recently learned that I use this expression often,
it took so much constraint for me not to use that expression.
My thing is...yeah...I guess I'm nosey, so to speak. BUT...I HAVE TO KNOW!
I don't like the feeling of being left out and not knowing the details....

Isn't funny how we don't realize our every day expressions that we use?
It's not that we are oblivious to our usage of the phrase, but that we don't recognize that we use it.
Self recognition of our every day habits and phrase are hard to realize.
For instance, I am a creature of habit:
I wake up and start my coffee
I check my cell phone for missed calls and text messages
I use the bathroom and rinse my mouth out
Drink my coffee on the patio
Check my e-mail, surf the net, write my blog
I wait for my phone call from friends
Shit, Shave and Shower...
Stop by the 7-11 for a large Red Bull
And I start my day...
When I get home...I always go for the mailbox first...and then get to my
apartment, and then jump on the computer, do some reading...drink some wine...
and finish off my day with my best friend and roomie.

I think it's a hoot how other people recognize our idiosyncrasies, and yet we (as individuals) don't know it.

With this, comes ownership. We all have to able to take ownership over our own habits, which is sometimes the hardest thing to do. It takes a "big person" to able to hear the recognition of habits and verbal usage, and to say...ok...hmm..."what's up with that?"

What are your habits and idiosyncrasies that you have learned about yourself? I so want to know.
Hey Guys. What's going on? What are we talking about??

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

"There's a hurricane a comin'!"

The whispering rain and over drawn clouds have visited.
My back and knees feel it.
Man I'm getting old.
My early morning coffee routine has now been accompanied by
a chill in my tells me about the 60% precipitation forecast.
Do I really need a weatherman( woman) to really tell
me what my body already knows?
Is this the epitome of the degradation of my youth flown by?
As Sophia Petrillo once said,
"There's a hurricane a comin'!
Gladys Goldstein felt it in her knees!
I'm telling you Dorothy, there's a hurricane a comin'!"
(Golden Girls, Season 2, Disc 2)

With this lesson, I've learned that I'm becoming (or have become) a human barometer.

Oh the joys I look forward to of my journey through "maturation".

This goes to prove our natural innate attribute we all have with nature...and life, in general.
Why do we, as human beings, ignore what's a comin' in our direction in life?
We are given all the signs.
We are given all the internal tell-tell signs, yet we almost refuse to acknowledge it.
If we used our natural gifts that were given to us, we can avoid the storms that are
a comin' in our lives.
Of course, this my own perspective.
But then again, who am I to tell you this bit of information?
You already know.
Why ignore the signs of the storm?
There's a hurricane a comin'...
What are you doing to prepare for it?

Monday, August 20, 2007

My Body is A Vessel

My Body is not mine.
My Body is just a vessel.
It is a tool.
It is an instrument of some divine purpose unknown to me.
I feel it working...
I'm looking on to my journey in life...
This vessel has been tossed about through the billows of life,
and the aching inside of me is waiting for it's moment to shine through.
It's happening on it's own accord.
I can feel it.
Can you feel it?
Can you feel your circumstantial life coming to an Apex in the middle?
Wrap yourself in it and know this...
Your body is just a vessel waiting for it's next level of growth.
Your vessel is just a tool for others to be used on.
You...are an example...
You...are an instrument...
How are you using your vessel?

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Coffee and Cigarettes...

The title says it and cigarettes.
This is my morning routine.
I wake up and make coffee, making sure I time it to be done while
I go use the bathroom (my morning delight to relieve pressure).
Upon return of the fresh brewed coffee, I retrieve my pack of Camel
Lights and then go ponder about life and the day to come on the patio
of my apartment (which is shared with my best friend and her sister).
My apartment...almost a laugh in my face, but an experience of love and
friendship at the same time. You see, my part of the apartment consists
of the dining turned into a make-shift studio bedroom--right next to the
kitchen and living room.
I am not upset by my living situation, or the lack of privacy.
It is actually a moment of humility and humbleness.
It is a reminder of what I have, and yet others lack.
A place to call home and to rest my weary head at night.
Thanks to coffee and cigarettes, I have two well known addictions to fall
back own to help satiate this feeling of being an unknown financial
Sometimes, I look at my friends and their financial rewards they receive
(they do not boast of it to me, but rather share their life's experiences)
and wonder why they would befriend someone of my nature...and not look
down upon my circumstances of life which has brought me to this place...
my milestone in life.
My life exists beyond my physical situation in life.
I am thankful.
Thankful for many things.
My life has a craving. A craving outside of this realm of life that I am
currently in.
I'm taking a trip. A trip across the country. A trip to know myself and life
better. A spiritual journey, if you will. A journey that I would love to share with you,
if you will let me.
Come October, I will be sharing my life through photo's, videos, and blogs of my
journey. I know this journey might be scary to some people, but I welcome it
with open arms. My answers to life will come to me. Answers will be revealed,
and I'm nervous of what questions in my head might be answered.
I welcome these answers openly.
I am a Gay Man on a journey.
A journey followed by coffee and cigarettes.
What vices do you have to appease your physical host known as your body?
Share with me.
I want to know.