My heart is forever blessed.
It was my first time back to campus in over 11 years.
I didn't know how I would feel when I walked onto the campus grounds, after parking in front of the
original music building. The original birth place of our hearts, and a place where many of us grew a
stonger faith...with thanks to Miss Stanley and each other. Our God IS a mighty fortress, but He made us the cement in His fortress of BPC.
I gazed around and all the memories came rushing back to me:
The attack of the killer swans,
the having to add ketchup to what BPC called pizza,
the runs to Friendly Gus for their tater logs and an obscured diet coke,
the long hours of piano practice,
to Dr. Retif saying, "Blow, dammit, blow!" (and then you would walk out crying from his office),
to making looooove to the bell,
to Miss Stanley giving you the stare of death for being slightly off key (and you/us having a shocked face when she pointed you out) or if you weren't singing at all,
to the heart felt bible study sessions & TV viewing at the BSU center,
to trying to wash the crisco oil off your body (guys you get it!) after serenading the girls,
to the Road Rally races where someone was certain to get lost from making an R at the T by the Y (lol!),
to listening to those lip trills being done with numb lips and handbell cases in hand,
to going to the mailboxes praying for more than just another flyer in there,
to the late night study sessions (or cards games) in the student center,
to the dead bug in Wally World (Wal-Mart for the layman),
to getting up a 4am to wait in line to register (wearing hoodies and pajamas) to not get stuck with an 8am class,
to the awful looking men of the reverse beauty pageants,
to the fraternity and sorority water wars (Go Rho!),
to the long heart to heart talks about the directions God is taking you/us in,
to going to the library and acting like we know how to properly cite periodicals,
to the 56k dial up modem, and to all of us thinking we were the coolest in having it available,
to backing up into signs while driving the school van and having a bad case of IBS at the same time (Sorry my Ringers!),
to the Random Acts of Kindness that no one ever expected,
to not ever feeling like an outcast or alone in this world,
to me singing El Shaddai and crying, and everyone joining in to sing to help me finish the song,
to share the fears of love and salvation with each other,
to fighting with the soccer teams lol (I never knew how that really started),
to getting into philosophical debates at 3am,
to displays of affection show to fellow classmates at 2am at the Huddle House, "C'mon Betsy give, my baby's gotta live!",
to learning what perfect parallel fifths and disnonant notes are,
to going to the small white chapel across the lake and having a revival,
to the golf carts driving by my windows at night that drove me crazy,
to the paddle boats and fishing at the lake,
to the pain staking juries!!!!!!!,
to the late Brother Herbies home made cooking,
to Brian Marchant gargling at 6am and doing vocal training in the bathroom while I tried to sleep,
to Molly, Kaysi, Paige, David, and many others pulling out the guitar for all us to jam to,
to doing work study in the post office or the book store....I could go on and on forever.
These memories never leave me,
We all have our memories that helped create our bonds together.
We all have our memories that we carry in knowing what made us all...a family.
We have all been there for ever other in darkest days, and brightest shining moments.
In getting together, everyone was genuinely and truly happy to see each other, to share love with each other,
to let them know they are missed and thought of, and to Facebook that helps keep us together...even though we are physically apart.
Our hearts and souls are forever entwined with each other.
So, here's to my old friends...well family members, and here's to the new found ones made.
I love you all. I am blessed and enriched by you all. You are in my hearts forever. Words cannot be conveyed enough.
Just remember to, "Look to the pine trees. Easter is coming."
Until we meet again my loving family in God.
David M Murphy 94 to 98